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Our cats and dogs take care of us just as much as we take care of them.
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CloseSo we owe it to our little buddies to put their paws on the path to big health with all-natural, 100% Canadian seal oil. Mix in some superfood goodness to their regular diet and watch the meowgical benefits that are certainly something to bark at!
They’ll run, jump, pounce and play with the energy of a kitten or puppy, and look as cute and handsome as the day you brought them home.
Seal oil is the purrfect supplement because it contains not only DHA and EPA, but also DPA – a third powerful omega 3 fatty acid that enhances the amount of the other omega 3s in the body. DPA is 10X more powerful than EPA!
And because seal oil comes from another mammal, our feline and canine friends can digest and absorb these essential fatty acids much easier than fish oils and other sources of omega-3!
Be prepared, this unique source of omega 3 is sure to bring games of fetch up a notch! Of course, knowing your pet feels good is the greatest benefit of all!
The beneficial effects of omega-3 on skin and coat health include significant improvements in pruritis, self-trauma, hotspots and coat character – as well as reduced shedding!
Omega-3 is shown to control inflammation associated with dermatological conditions in both cats and dogs. Omega-3 supplementation may result in significant improvement in pruritus, self-trauma and hot spots.
Omega-3 supplementation in pets with allergies may reduce their itching by decreasing their body’s production or release of potent stimulators of inflammation, called cytokines.
Many pets suffer from dry flaky skin, particularly in warmer dryer climates, and those with cold, dry winters. Omega-3 helps to maintain the skin barrier which nourishes your pet’s skin and coat, restoring moisture and reducing itching and scratching caused by dry skin.
Omega-3 improves the overall health of the hair follicles, which can decrease the amount of hair that is shed. It keeps your pet’s skin moisturized and hydrated, reducing shedding by protecting fur from the roots. Not only does this benefit your pet – but also pet owners who suffer from pet allergies!
Moisturized, healthy skin also leads to a shiny and beautiful coat – which is a great indicator of your pet’s overall health!
Omega-3 supplementation helps protect the cells that support nail growth and health. This leads to smoother, stronger nails.
Omega-3 decreases the production of potent prostaglandins that stimulate inflammation in the joints. Regular supplementation of Omega-3 can reduce inflammation and the associated pain and discomfort, improve your pet’s movement and mobility, and increase energy and activity levels!
Omega-3 supplementation has been shown to reduce the inflammation and discomfort associated with osteoarthritis and degenerative joint diseases, improving movement and mobility in dogs and cats.
Studies show that Omega-3 supplementation in lame dogs suffering with naturally-occurring osteoarthritis improved movement and mobility, performance activities of daily living, as well as weight-bearing capacities.
Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids reduced inflammatory mediators in the joints of dogs with ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments, a key stabilizing ligament of the canine knee.
Cats supplemented with Omega-3 demonstrated higher activity levels, less stiffness, more walking up and down the stairs, higher jumps and more interaction with the owner.
Omega-3 helps reduce joint tenderness and stiffness. Fight back against cartilage-destroying enzymes, and reduce pain and discomfort.
Omega-3 can help manage chronic heart disease in both cats and dogs, reduce atrial fibrillation, prevent blood clots, diminish triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure!
Symptoms of heart issues in our pets include: fainting, coughing, inability to exercise, heart murmurs, irregular pulse, enlargement of the heart, and fluid in the chest and belly. 30% of elderly dogs and 20% of cats will experience heart-related disease.
Omega-3 is a natural anti-inflammatory, and can help manage chronic heart disease in both cats and dogs. This can result in improved strength, reduced muscle loss and improved appetite.
Omega-3 has been found to reduce the heart’s vulnerability to developing an irregular heart rhythm, called atrial fibrillation, in both cats and dogs.
Omega-3 can act as an anti-coagulant and prevent blood clots from forming in dogs and cats with heart disease.
Omega-3 helps to diminish triglyceride levels and lower your pet’s blood pressure – which are important for maintaining a healthy heart.
Studies have demonstrated that Omega-3 supplementation in dogs can help increase heart Omega-3 PUFA concentrations, reduce the severity of a myocardial infarct (heart attack), and decrease weakness and weight loss associated with heart disease.
For pregnant and lactating cats and dogs, Omega-3 fatty acids are essential, beginning with gestation, for proper development of the brains and eyes of their kittens and puppies.
Omega-3 is vital to your pet’s brain health, especially during early life while kittens and puppies are still developing. Omega-3 protects the structure of brain cells and can stimulate serotonin production, as well as limit aggression.
Supplementing puppies with Omega-3 increased their ability to learn and retain certain skills when compared to those not receiving additional Omega-3.
Older pets suffering from cognitive dysfunction had improved recognition of family members and other dogs when supplemented with Omega-3. Additionally, it decreased pattern-pacing behavior.
Omega-3 supplementation is also shown to support cognitive function in senior pets, preventing deterioration that can lead to both physical and mental decline.
Omega-3 is especially helpful for cats with kidney disease. Supplementing with Omega-3 can retain essential proteins, reduce inflammation around the kidneys, and lower high blood pressure and reduce the production of pro-inflammatory substances that aggravate kidneys. This can help cats with kidney disease to enjoy longer, healthier lives.
In a study of 146 cats with kidney disease, cats fed diets supplemented with Omega-3 fatty acids lived a median of 17 months compared to 7 months for those who were not supplemented.
Omega-3 can also help decrease the occurrence and negative effects of chronic kidney disease in dogs.
Some studies suggest that Omega-3 may help prevent and slow the spread of cancer cells in the body. Seal oil can inhibit tumor growth by stimulating the cancer cells to differentiate (turn into specific cell types). When cells differentiate, they have limited ability to divide and the tumor cannot continue to grow.